weLcOm tO mY oWnEr bLoG .. i want to share for u something about formula mathematic and science .. i hope u happy ! . . jgan lupe follow bila sudah usha saia punya blog .. thanks .. ! ^_^

Rabu, 25 April 2012


mari berkenalan ! 
apa itu metrices ???

4.1 Definition:
A matrix is an ordered set of numbers listed rectangular form.
The ORDER of the Matrix depends on the ROWS and COLUMNS of the Matrix.
Example. Let A denote the matrix

[2 5 7 8]
[5 6 8 9]
[3 9 0 1]
This matrix A has three rows and four columns. We say it is a 3 x 4 matrix. 
The ORDER of the matrix is 3 x 4.

Row matrix
A matrix with one row is called a row matrix

Column matrix
A matrix with one column is called a column matrix 

Square matrix
If a matrix A has n rows and n columns then we say it's a square matrix.

4.2 The sum of matrices of the same kind
Sum of matrices:

To add two matrices of the same kind, we simply add the corresponding elements. 
[2 5} + {3 1} = [5 6]

[1 2] + [3 5] = [4 7]
[3 4] . [1 2] . [4 6]

4.3 Scalar multiplication
To multiply a matrix with a real number, we multiply each element with this number. 

3[1 2] = [3 6]
.[3 4] . [9 12]

4.4 Multiplication of a row matrix by a column matrix
This multiplication is only possible if the row matrix and the column matrix have the same number of elements. The result is a ordinary number ( 1 x 1 matrix).
To multiply the row by the column, one multiplies corresponding elements, then adds the results.

[2 1 3]. [2] = [19]

Maksudnya: (2x1)+(1x2)+(3x5) = 19

4.5 Multiplication of two matrices A.B
This product is defined only if A is a (p x m) matrix and B is a (m x n) matrix.
So the number of columns of A has to be equal to the number of rows of B.
The product C = A.B then is a (p x n) matrix.

[1 2][1 3] = [5 7]
[2 1][2 2] . [4 8]

[1 3][1 2] = [7 5]
[2 2][2 1] . [6 6]

[1 1][2 2] = [0 0]
[1 1][-2 -2] [0 0]

Note: I advise you to find somebody to teach you the concept of multiplication of Matrices if you fail to understand the above solutions.

Before we can find the inverse of a matrix, we need to first learn how to get the determinant of a matrix. 
Determinant Of A Matrix
If matrix P = [a   b]   then  the determinant is  ad - bc
                    [c   d]

So, the Inverse of P  is  [d  -b]
                                    [-c  a]
                  divided by  ad - bc

cth :
 1.  find the inverse matrix of 

           [ 1     -2  ]
           [ 5      -8 ]

2.  using metrices , calculate the velue of k and  m which  satisfy the following 
matrix equation :

[ 1   -2  ]  [ k ]  =  [ 1 ] 
 [ 5   -8  ]  [ m ] .  [ 11 ]   

solution .... !

1. [ 1   -2 ] = _____1______  [ -8   2  ]
    [ 5   -8  ]    1(-8)-(-2)(5)   [ -5    1 ] 

                 =  _____1______ [-8   2  ]
                         -8+10       [-5   1  ]

=   _1_   [  -8  2  ]
     2     [ -5  1  ]     

2.   [ 1   -2  ]  [ k ]  =  [ 1 ] 
      [ 5   -8  ]  [ m ] .  [ 11 ]   

     [ k ]  =  [  1   -2  ] -1    [  1  ]
      [ m ]    [  5   -8  ]        [ 11  

 [  k  ]   =   _1_  [ -8   2  ]  [ 1 ] 
    [  m  ]        2   [  -5   1  ]  [ 11 ]

 [  k  ]   =   _1_  [ -8 (1) + 2 (11)  ] 
    [  m  ]      2   [  -5(1) + 1(11)   ]

 [  k  ]   =   _1_  [ -8  + 22  ]   =  _1_  [ 14 ]  =  [ 14 bhgi 2 ] 
 [  m  ]      2   [  -5 + 11  ]          2   [  6 ]       [ 6 bhgi 2  ]

k =  7    ,,  m = 3

# selamat mencuba #   ^ _ ^

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